Open by appointment
Austin / Desmond Fine Art

Bridget Riley


Bridget Riley is considered Britain’s foremost exponent of Op Art. Riley studied at Goldsmith’s College from 1949 to 1952 and later at the Royal College of Art from 1952-1955. It wasn’t until 1960 that she began to paint her monochrome ‘Op’ pieces, in which the systematic progressions of geometric patterns engage the viewer with a disorientating visual experience. Her first solo exhibition was at Gallery One in 1962. She won an International Painting Prize at the Venice Biennale in 1968. After a trip to Egypt in the 1980s Riley began to explore the effects of juxtaposing colours in her works. Riley has had numerous retrospective exhibitions, including Tate, London in 2003.


Brouillard, 1981/2003
Brouillard, 1981/2003
Bridget Riley

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